

发音:   用"随之而后"造句
  • after that
  • following from that
  • fromthatfollowingfromthatafterthat


        :    follow
        而后:    after that; then
        随之而来:    in the train of ...: 随之而来的是一场暴风雨。 a storm followed
        雨随之而来:    the rain following
        痛苦随之而来:    and the pain attached to them
        旅行及随之而来的不适:    travel and all its concomitant discomforts
        随之而来的是一场暴风雨:    a storm followed
        以及一切随之而来的东西:    and everything that goes with it
        而后:    (以后; 然后) after that; then 他到了上海, 而后又到了杭州。 he went to shanghai, and then to hangzhou
        随之去:    let it be
        紧随之后:    follow upon the heels of
        随之发生的:    consequenta; consequential
        随之涨落:    ebb and flow accordingly
        心随之挖空:    when the violence causes silence
        不久,一会而后:    in a short while
        从今而后:    from this day; sorekara
        而后一个:    is used
        伏而后发:    latent onset
        穷而后工:    in poetry one gains depth after suffering.; being disgraced one's writing would be skillful -- the more adversity the author has, the better his writing is.; literary excellence is achieved only after many frustrations
        三思而后行:    first think before you act; look before you leap; score twice before you cut once; second thoughts are best / think before you do; think twice before doing something; to think before i talk
        诗穷而后工:    in poetry one gains depth after suffering
        死而后生:    live after death
        死而后已:    do one's best, till one's heart ceases to beat; if that leads to death, so be it.; only with death does one's course end.; to the end of one's days; until one's death 他真是鞠躬尽瘁, 死而后已。 of him, it can be said that he gave his best, gave his all, till his heart ceased to beat
        先思而后行:    think before you leap
        再思而后行:    second thoughts are best.; act after having thought over again


  1. "随照失宗"英文
  2. "随诊制度"英文
  3. "随振幅而变化的内摩擦"英文
  4. "随正文移动"英文
  5. "随证取穴"英文
  6. "随之而来"英文
  7. "随之而来的是一场暴风雨"英文
  8. "随之发生的"英文
  9. "随之发生的,必然的"英文
  10. "随之去"英文


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