I will repeat , that the above method is for eas working only on closed bars , i . e . on all bars except the zero one 我再说一遍,认为上述方法是紧急救护服务工作,只关闭了酒吧,即对所有酒吧除零!
When an exception occurs , such as dividing by zero or an access violation , the result depends on whether the thread has an exception handler 当异常发生时,例如除零或非法访问,程序执行的最终结果,要看线程是否拥有一个异常处理。
To free developers of dealing with the sorts of exceptions that occur as a result of programming errors or that the program could not be expected to catch dereferencing a null pointer , falling off the end of an array , dividing by zero , and so on , some exceptions are nominated as unchecked exceptions those that derive from 对于因为编程错误而导致的异常,或者是不能期望程序捕获的异常(解除引用一个空指针,数组越界,除零,等等) ,为了使开发人员免于处理这些异常,一些异常被命名为非检查型异常(即那些继承自