除: get rid of; eliminate; remov ...除氟作用: defluorination新型除氟剂: new defluorinating agent饮水除氟: removal of fluorine from water饮用水除氟: drinking water defluorinate混凝沉淀除氟: coagulation sedimentation for defluorinate; coagulation seodimentation for defluorinate型除氟吸附器: lt-400b type absorption tower of fluorine eliminator活性氧化铝除氟: activated aluminum process for defluorinate除风: jofu除符号: divided-by symbol除粪机: dropping board scraper除服: [旧时用语] (守孝期满脱去丧服) take off the mourning dress when the mourning period is over除粪道: dunging passage除浮渣: despumate; despumation; scum off除粉器: bug duster; gummer; gumstower; holings loader除腐剂: conserving agent除酚设备: dephiolizing plant