There is generally more evaporation over the oceans and more precipitation over the land . 通常在海洋蒸发量较大,而陆地上则降水量较大。
There is limited rainfall in the valley, and the rivers get most of their water from the mountains . 这一谷地的降水量不大,河流主要是从山区得到水源。
Aerial photography can provide valuable information on precipitation, evapotranspiration, interception, and runoff . 航空摄影可提供有关降水量、蒸发蒸腾量、入渗和径流量的有价值的资料。
The cline is considered the probable result of geographic trends in precipitation, temperature, and perhaps also photoperiod . 人们认为这种梯度变异可能是降水量,温度也许还有光周期等地理趋势造成的结果。
Parts of new jersey get nine inches of rain 新泽西州的部分地区降水量达9英寸。