降低: reduce; cut down; abate; deb ...魔: devil; demon; evil spirit; f ...防: provide against; defend agai ...魔防: mgd怪物魔防: monster magic resistance魔防战靴: boots of magical defence增加魔防: add_mpr降低: reduce; cut down; abate; debase; drop; lower; lessening; reducing; reduction; depression; tarnish 降低定额 derating; cut down the norm for; 降低废品、次品率 reduce the number of rejects and seconds; 降低身份 lower one's social status; 降低生产成本 reduce production costs; cut back production costs; lower production costs; reduction in production costs; 降低物价 reduce [cut] the price; 降低物质消耗 reduce material consumption; 降低消耗 cut down [reduce] the consumption of materials; conservation of energy and raw materials; 降低原料消耗 cut down the consumption of raw materials; economize on raw materials敌一组魔防下降: divine intervention降低, 降低价格: reduced price贬低, 降低: debase贬抑,降低: demean变少;降低: fall off拆毁,降低: pull down打倒,降低: bring down放下,降低: let down还原;降低: reduce减少, 降低: take from减少,降低: decrease; reduce降低, 衰减: build down降低,控制: keedown降低,压下: depress降低,削减: bring down降低,压制: depress降低;贬低: downplay