降低: reduce; cut down; abate; deb ...生产: produce; manufacture促进: promote; advance; boost; acc ...就业: obtain employment; take up a ...活动: move about; exercise促进就业措施: employment promoting measure; employment-promoting measure就业活动率: activity rate增加就业活动: make-work activities降低生产成本: reduce the production costs; reducing production cost; to reduce the production cost促进就业和失业保护公约: convention concerning employment promotion and protection against unemployment促进就业计划税收抵免: work incentive credit实施积极促进就业的政策: to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment亚洲区域促进就业工作队: asian regional team for employment promotion亚洲区域促进就业计划: asian regional project for employment promotion亚洲区域促进就业小组: asian regional team for employment逐步降低生产成本: progressively reduce the production cost亚洲区域促进就业计划(亚洲就业计划): asian regional project for employment promotion我们赞成降低生产成本: we are all for cutting down the cost of production粮食生产促进粮食安全特别方案: special programme on food production for food security非产业活动: nonindustrial activity工业活动: industrial activity; industrialactivity农业活动: agricultural activities; agricultural activity; rural activity商业活动: business activity; business proceedings; commercial activities; commercial activity; trading activity营业活动: operating activity降低生活环境: reduced circumstances