陆军: army; ground force; land for ...军帽: service cap陆军军服: army uniforms陆军军官: redtab陆军军区: military zone陆军军士长: to ergeant; top sergeant陆军军需兵: quartermaster corps陆军军法处长: army judge advocate general陆军军官名册。: army-list陆军军官学校: chinese military academy; the military academy陆军军事学院: army war college陆军军事助理: military assistant of the army陆军军用规格: army specifications美国陆军军械: army ord; armyord日本陆军军官: samurai军帽: army cap; service cap; cap; shako黄埔陆军军官学校: whampoa military academy皇家陆军军官学校: royal military academy陆军军用输油管: army pipe-line美国陆军军官军校: u.s. west point military academy美国陆军军官学校: united states military academy美国陆军军士长: sergeant major of the army usa美国陆军军邮局: apo || army post office英国陆军军官学校: the royal military academy〔美国〕西点陆军军官学校。: west point