附属: subsidiary; auxiliary; attac ...大陆: continent; mainland的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...岛: island; isle大陆性岛, 附属于大陆的岛: continental island发现或产生于大陆的: epicontinental中国法律属于大陆法: continental law大陆的: continental附属于: be attached to = be affiliated to; collateral to; go with; pertain属于,附属: belong to新大陆的, 美洲大陆的: new-world附属于,隶属于: attach to; attached to隶属于……,附属于……: be affiliated with / to次大陆的: subcontinental大陆的拼合: matching of continents大陆的王序: wang xu横穿大陆的: transcontinental横贯大陆的: transcontinental; transcontinetal环大陆的: circum continental; circum-continental美国大陆的: new-world拟大陆的: paracontinental欧洲大陆的: continental准大陆的: paracontinental附属于, 喜爱: be attached to附属于,隶书于: attached to