附加: add; attach码: a sign or object indicating ...附加码程序: extracode routine附加码指令: extra code instruction; extracode instruction附加码, 附加程序: extra code附加码控制寄存器: extracode control register加码: 1.(提高价格) raise the price of commodities; overcharge2.(提高赌注) raise the stakes in gambling3.(提高指标) raise the quota 层层加码 raise the quota at each level腐加码: floating markup层层加码: be raised without restriction; adding of ... at every lower level; targets could be imposed at every level浮动加码: floating markup; floating speed加码的衣服: plus size加码票价: add-on fare未加码的: uncoded小幅加码: slightly overweight附加: 1.(额外加上) add; attach 文件后面附加两项说明。 the document has two explanatory notes attached to it.2.(附带的; 额外的) additional; additive; attached; appended; append; 附加奖金 additional premium; 附加工资 supplementary wage; extra wage; 附加股息 mentary dividend; added value; supplementary dividend; extra dividend南加码头风光: southern california piers特别加码长袜: outsize stockings喊价加码, 增加出价: bid ahead附加,附加物: addn addition附加;合并;附加物: a exation附加的,附加物: addtn addition附加物;附加剂: additament并吞,附加: annex附加 假设: additive postulate附加, 添加: tack sth on