To install the add - on , first download and run the . exe file which will extract the installation files 若要安装附加元件,请先下载并执行能够解压缩安装档的. exe档,然后再执行setup . exe 。
What we lay claim to is : turning force sensors , as additive components , into functional units with integrated force measuring solution 我们提出的是:将力传感器作为附加元件变为整合了力测量方案的功能元件。
The two editions can exist side - by - side , and in the event that you decide to uninstall the team suite trial edition and database professionals add - on then your original edition of visual studio will continue to function 这两种版本可以同时并存,而且万一当您决定要将试用版的team suite与database professionals附加元件解除安装时,您原来的visual studio版本就可以继续正常运作。