4 the basic arrangements for batch release for a product are defined by its marketing authorisation . nothing in this annex should be taken as overriding those arrangements 成品放行在上市许可中有基本要求。本附件条款不能凌驾于上市许可之上。
附件: appendix; annex条款: clause; article; provision条件条款: condition clause; conditionclause; conditions文件条款: documentstion clause重大件条款: heavy lifts and awkward clause融资条件条款: subject to financing clause特别条件条款: special condition一般条件条款: general condition更有利条件条款: more favourable terms clause文件条文,合同条款: article重货和笨件条款: heavy lifts and ackward cargo clause条件条款与免除条款: conditions and exceptions; conditionsandexceptions附件的根本条款: parent provision in the annex附件: 1.(随同主要文件一同制定的文件) appendix; annex 作为调查报告的附件 as an appendix to the investigation report2.(随同文件发出的有关文件或物品) enclosure3.[机械工程] (附带的零件或部件;配件) accessories; attachment; fitting; modification kit; appendages; belongings; fitments; paraphernalia 车床附件 lathe accessories; 铲工附件 backing-off attachment4.[生物学] [解剖学] (附器;子宫附件) adnexa ; adnexal重复事件条: edit repeat条款: clause; article; provision 法律条款 legal provision; 附加条款 additional clause; 最惠国条款 most-favoured-nation clause; 协定的条款 articles of an agreement; 保留条款 clause réservé; 仲裁条款 clause of arbitration; 双方都应按照协议条款办事。 both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement. 你要求在合同中订上什么条款? what clause do you require in the contract海运邮件条例: ocean mail act整个部件条件: entire part condition按附件: by attachment泵附件: pumacce ory; pumaccessory鼻附件: appendage of nose附,附件: encl enclosed,enclosure附件, 附器: adnexa附件,辅机: auxiliaries附件,辅件: appurtenance