陀螺: top; whipping top; gyroscope ...转子: rotor; rotator; armature; ru ...转子转动惯量: rotor moment of inertia虚转动惯量: virtual moment of inertia主转动惯量: principal moment of inertia转动惯量: dynamic moment of inertia; inertia moment; moment of gyration; moment of inertai; rotary inertia; rotating inertia; rotation inertia; rotational inertia; rotor inertia陀螺转子: gyro wheel; gyrorotor; gyroscope rotor【物理学】转动惯量。: rotational inertia赤道转动惯量: equatorial moment of inertia等效转动惯量: equivalent moment of inertia俯仰转动惯量: pitching-moment inertia刚体转动惯量: solid moment of inertia滚转转动惯量: rolling-moment inertia横向转动惯量: transverse moment of inertia框架转动惯量: gimbal moment of inertia偏航转动惯量: yawing-moment inertia线性转动惯量: linear moment of inertia约化转动惯量: reduced moment of inertia转动惯量,惯性矩: m of i转动惯量列表: list of moments of inertia转动惯量系数: rotational inertia coefficient陀螺转子功率: gyro rotor power转子转动体: rotor惯性力矩;转动惯量: moment of inertia万向支架转动惯量: gimbal moment of inertia