阿: play up to; pander to; cater ...沙: sand呼吁: appeal阿鲁沙: arusha阿鲁沙会议: arusha conference阿鲁沙尼扬: arushanyan阿鲁沙诺夫: arushanov阿鲁沙区: arusha reg; arusha, reg; region arusha阿鲁沙糖厂: arusha sugar refinery阿鲁沙协定: arusha agreement; arusha convention阿鲁沙宣言: arusha declaration下阿鲁沙: arusha chini阿鲁沙和平进程: arusha peace process阿鲁沙和平协定: arusha peace agreement第四轮阿鲁沙会谈: arusha iv阿鲁沙和平与和解协定: arusha agreement on peace and reconciliation阿鲁沙集体自力更生纲领: arusha programme for collective self-reliance鲁沙: rucha; rusa呼吁: (向个人或社会申述, 请求援助或主持公道) appeal; call on 呼吁和平 appeal for peace; 紧急呼吁 an urgent appeal; 正在呼吁援助在地震中失去家园的人们。 an appeal is being made for help for those who lost their homes in the earthquake.; 呼吁书 letter of appeal; appeal阿鲁沙布隆迪和平与和解协定: arusha peace and reconciliation agreement for burundi阿鲁沙集体自力更生纲领和谈判框架: arusha programme for collective self-reliance and framework for negotiations阿鲁沙协定执行情况监测委员会: arusha agreement implementation monitoring committee布隆迪问题阿鲁沙区域首脑会议: arusha regional summit on burundi关于布隆迪和平进程的阿鲁沙倡议: arusha initiative on the burundi peace process关于纳米比亚的阿鲁沙宣言和行动纲领: arusha declaration and programme of action on namibia