阿: play up to; pander to; cater ...肯: agree; consent瑟: se,a twenty-five-stringed pl ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...首府: the prefecture where the pro ...郡的首府: county town美国加州的首府: sacramento〔美国〕州议会大楼;州的首府。: statehouse他列举了五十个州的首府: he enumerated the capitals of the 50 states首府: 1.[旧时用语] (省会所在地) the prefecture where the provincial capital is located2.(自治区、自治州政府所在地) the capital of an autonomous region or prefecture 美国每一个州都有一个首府。 each state of the united states has a capital.3.(附属国、殖民地最高当局所在地) the capital of a dependency or colony 杰斐逊城〔美国密苏里州的首府〕。: jefferson city斯里那加尔(印占克什米尔区的首府): srinagar与苏宛尼河佛罗里达的首府是塔拉哈西: tallahassee肯瑟尔: kensal阿肯: acken; aken; akin; akon smack that; akyn; aquem萧瑟的: bleak其首府: brunswick首都、首府: capital:theseatofgovernmentment首府报: capital la; la capital; umm al-qura元首府: the palace of the head of state prefecture卢瑟的幻想: the house of luthor梅瑟的祈祷: moses' prayer瑟的神奇彩衣: joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat小约瑟的故事: sugar cane alley阿肯病: akembe; onyalai; onyalia