The next question is probably a little embarrassing to ask . . :其实以下这个问题,我怕说来会给阿泽闹. .
Then , the president of the italian republic , carlo azeglio ciampi officially opened the games 然后,意大利总统卡洛?阿泽利奥?钱皮正式宣布2006都灵冬奥会开幕
So it is your turn now , chapman . as a successful comedian actor playing mostly comedy roles throughout your career , do you think it would be hard for the audiences to accept your non - comedy performance ? to :那讲完女主角,男主角今次由杜汶泽担任,平时见阿泽都是演一些疯狂夸张式的喜剧,今次一改戏路会否怕观众接受不来
In addition to the unique case mappings used in the turkish and azeri alphabets , there are other custom case mappings and sorting rules that you should be aware of when performing string operations 除了用于土尔其语和阿泽里语字母表的独特大小写映射之外,还有其他一些自定义的大小写映射和排序规则,执行字符串操作时您应该了解这些规则。
I don t try to think too much about how people see me , the most important thing is , similar to what chapman said , to just do what i enjoy to do , and make the kind of movie i like .跟阿泽一样,做自己喜欢做的事,拍自己想拍的故事。那当然作为导演除了顾自己,都要顾及观众,因为我是很在乎观众看完电影之后的感受,所以最想拍多些观众喜爱的电影。