This paper gives an analysis of the history of western aesthetics by focusing on the ideas and approaches of kant , jung , arnheim and kandinsky , and discuses the four kinds of priori paradigms of artistic form , that is , priori form , prototypical form , gestalt form and abstract form in the hope of interpreting the priori layout , foundation and texture of art formalism 摘要通过梳理西方美学史从康德、荣格、阿恩海姆到康定斯基这四位美学家关于艺术形式的观点、思路,本文考察了纯粹形式、原型形式、格式塔形式和抽象形式这四种艺术的先验形式论范式,从而为艺术形式主义寻索一种先验论的格局、根基和脉络。