Publicists for spears and for the show could not be immediately reached to comment on the post report . people magazine , whose december 5 cover features spears , her husband kevin federline and infant son sean preston , said spears had been offered the title role in the musical . the post said if spears joined the show , it would move to the larger ford center from the smaller al hirshfeld theater to accommodate anticipated larger crowds 纽约邮报透露,生命的旋律剧组为此表示,如果布兰妮加盟,他们愿意为凯文提供一个伴舞的机会,而该剧演出也将从原定的阿尔希什菲尔德剧院转入规模更大的福特中心剧院演出,这样可以为布兰妮的首次产后亮相吸引更多的观众。