Now , dr ambady and her colleague , nicholas rule , have taken things a step further 现在,阿姆巴迪博士和他的同事尼古拉斯?鲁尔已经对此做了进一步的研究。
Dr ambady and mr rule showed 100 undergraduates the faces of the chief executives of the top 25 and the bottom 25 companies in the fortune 1 , 000 list 阿姆巴迪博士和鲁尔先生给100名大学生放映《财富》杂志评选的公司1000强中前25名和后25名公司主管的面孔。
A few years before this , however , a team of psychologists from tufts university , led by nalini ambady , discovered that when people watched two - second - long film - clips of professors lecturing , they were pretty good at determining how able a teacher each professor actually was 然而,几年前,塔福特大学由纳利尼?阿姆巴迪领导的一个心理学家小组让人们看一些教授两秒钟的教学电影片断,发现人们完全能够判断每个教授的实际教学能力。