Interrogated as to whether life there resembled our experience in the flesh he stated that he had heard from more favoured beings now in the spirit that their abodes were equipped with every modern home comfort such as talafana , alavatar , hatakalda , wataklasat and that the highest adepts were steeped in waves of volupcy of the very purest nature 及至问起来世的生活是否与有着肉身的我们在现世中的经验相仿佛时,他回答说,那些已进入灵界的受宠者曾告诉他说,在他们的住处,现代化家庭用品一应俱全,诸如塔拉梵那阿拉瓦塔尔哈特阿克尔达沃特克拉撒特147 。