阻碍: hinder; block; impede; imped ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...不受阻碍的: uncrossed; unhindered没有阻碍的: unencumbered无阻碍的: expedite; unimpeded; untrammeled; untrammelled阻碍的通行: obstruct the passage of无阻碍的出口: unobstructed exit毫无阻碍的前进路线: clear path谜是难以弄懂的=强大力量是无法阻碍的: enigma:impenetrable=juggernaut:unstoppable阻碍: hinder; block; impede; impediment; rejection; stunting; prehension; hold-up; blockage 阻碍交通 block the traffic; 阻碍生产力的发展 hinder the development of the productive forces; 阻碍物 bar; traverse; spoke; 阻碍者 obstructor防碍的: obstructive妨碍的: cloggy; deterrent; impedimental; impedimentary; interceptive; obstructive; preclusive狭碍的: illiberal障碍的: impedimental; obstructive; stumbling碍事,阻碍: be in the way (=obstructive)被阻碍: stymie妨碍,阻碍: in one's way/ in the way; in one’s way /in the way干扰,阻碍: interfere干涉,阻碍: inference in/with; inteference in/with; inteferencein/with回来(阻碍): back积垢,阻碍: fouling推迟,阻碍: set back无阻碍: nihil obstat阻碍, 破坏: throw a monkey wrench into阻碍…做: inhibit sb. from