阻: block; hinder; impede; obstr ...御: drive网: net防御网: protection net防御网栅: nets and booms水雷防御网: crinoline鱼雷防御网: torpedo net; torpedonet弹道导弹防御网: ballistic-missile defense network非进攻性防御网: non-offensive defence network阻援: hold off enemy reinforcements阻雨: [书面语] be held back by rain阻渣砖: skimmer block阻油环轴承: lubri-seal bearing阻粘剂: abherent; abhesive; antiplastering agent阻音: obstruent阻障: stunt阻抑性损害: depressive lesion阻障产生的水头损失: loss of head due to obstructions阻抑形成: inhibition formation; inhibitionformationn