阶级: class; step剥削: exploit剥削阶级: exploiting class被剥削阶级: the exploited class摈弃剥削阶级的道德观念: abandon the moral values of the exploiting classes剥削: exploit 剥削成性 be exploitative by nature; 残酷剥削 ruthless exploitation; 消灭人剥削人的制度 abolish the system of exploitation of man by man; 剥削方式 form of exploitation; 剥削阶级 exploiting class; 剥削收入 income from exploitation; 剥削思想 exploiting outlook; 剥削者 exploiter 梯级剥蚀面: stepping surfaces of denudation阶级: (social) class; step 剥削阶级 exploiting class; 被剥削阶级 exploited class; 官僚资产阶级 bureaucrat bourgeoisie; 垄断资产阶级 monopoly bourgeoisie; 买办资产阶级 comprador(e) bourgeoisie; 民族资产阶级 national bourgeoisie; 无产阶级 proletariat; 小资产阶级 petty bourgeoisie; 有产阶级 propertied class; 资产阶级 bourgeoisie; 自为阶级 class in itself; 自在阶级 class for itself; 阶级报复 class-revenge; 阶级本能 class instinct; 阶级本性 class character; 阶级本质 class nature; 阶级差别 class difference; 阶级成分 class status; 阶级冲突 class conflict; 阶级出身 class origin; 阶级斗争 class struggle; 阶级斗争熄灭论 theory of dying out class struggle; 阶级对抗 class antagonism; 阶级队伍 class ranks; 阶级分化 class polarization; 阶级分析 class analysis; 阶级感情 class feeling; 阶级根源 class origin; 阶级基础 class basis; 阶级较量 trials of class strength; 阶级觉悟 class consciousness; 阶级烙印 brand of a class; 阶级立场 class attitude; class stand [standpoint; position]; 阶级力量的对比 balance of class forces; 阶级利益 class interests; 阶级路线 class line; 阶级矛盾 class contradictions; 阶级性 class character; class nature; 阶级友爱 class love; class solidarity; 阶级阵线 class alignment剥削率: rate of exploitation剥削者: exploiter被剥削: be exploited利用,剥削: exploitation性剥削: sexual exploitation; sexually exploited剥削 开发 利用: exploitation剥削,开发,开采: exploit剥削成性: be exploitative by nature剥削程度: intensity of exploitation剥削电影: blaxploitation film; exploitation film剥削儿童: exploitation of children剥削方式: form of exploitation剥削开拓: exploitation剥削理论: exploitation theory剥削收入: income from exploitation剥削思想: exploiting outlook剥削他人者: bloodsucker