阴: yin,the feminine or negative ...偏: inclined to one side; slanti ...盛: flourishing; prosperous阴偏衰: yin dificiency阴偏压: cathode bias阳偏盛: the hyperactivity of yang; yang excess邪气偏盛: exuberance of pathogenic qi阴阳偏盛: relative excess of yin or yang阴喷嘴: female nozzle阴凝剂: anticoagulant阴片型: negative-type ps plate阴尼系数: damping coefficient阴平: high and level tone, the first of the four tones in modern standard chinese pronunciation阴囊瘙痒,阴囊瘙痒症: pruritus scroti阴平阳秘: both yin and yang in equilibriu; both yin and ynag in equilibrium; yin and yang in equilibrium阴囊瘙痒: scrotal pruritus