Results according to the analysis and determination of imperatorin , carbohydrate components , amino - acid , extracts , ash and water content , the results showed that the harvest period of radix giehniae in october was appropriate , the process of being sliced with skin and dried under the sunshine or in the oven at low temperature after being washed quickly was the best , the effect of fermented bacteria fertilizer was the best and the second was k2so4 compound fertilizer and k2so4 fertilizer , the contents of carbohydrate components and extracts of radix glehniae " baiyintiao " were the highest and the content of imperatorin of radix glehniae " dahongpao1 was the highest , the quality of radix glehniae during blooming or seeds setting period was worse , the quality of radix glehniae planted in hucheng laiyang was better than those planted in anguo hebei and inner mongolia 结果:通过对欧前胡素、糖类成分、氨基酸、浸出物、灰分和水分的分析测定,结果表明:北沙参采收以10月份为宜;药材加工以趁鲜水洗、带皮切片晒干或低温烘干最佳;追肥以酵素菌高效生物肥效果最好,其次为硫酸钾复合肥、硫酸钾;栽培品种“白银条”的糖类成分和浸出物含量最高,而“大红袍”的欧前胡素含量最高;当年开花和当年结种的北沙参质量较差;北沙参药材质量以莱阳胡城产最佳,而河北安国和内蒙古产的则较差。
阳: the sun胡: non-Han nationalities living ...大阳胡: oyako阳华: hua yang阳候: yako阳化: anodizing阳和汤: yanghe tang,yang-activating decoction; yanghetang,yang-activatingdecoction阳化河: yanghua he阳和: duong hoa阳化气: yang transforming qi阳汗: yang-hidrosis阳黄: the yang yellow; yang jaundice; yang type jaundice阳翰笙: hansheng yang; yang hansheng