No . 139 shiwan south road , yangjiang city , guangdong 阳江市石湾南路139号
Lv ruxiong , with the byname lv guanbo , was born in yangjiang city , guangdong province in 1947 吕如雄,又名吕冠伯,一九四七年生于广东省阳江市。
Director of gdeto ( left ) presents a souvenir to wei likun , vice mayor of yangjiang municipal government 驻粤经贸办主任(左)致送纪念品予阳江市副市长韦丽坤
Study on the epidemiological characteristic and factor of dengue fever outbreaks in yang jiang city in 2001 2006 years 广东阳江市2001和2006年两次登革热流行特征分析
Jiang cheng deli knife & scissor factory of yangjiang , located in noge metals industrial town in gangle town , jiangcheng district 阳江市江城得利刀剪厂位于阳江市江城区岗列镇那格五金工业城内。