The electrochemical performance of high silicon - iron anodes exerted by square wave pulsed currents ( swpcs ) was studied by electrochemical 摘要采用电化学方法和阳极消耗率评价法研究了高硅铸铁阳极在方波脉冲电流作用下的电化学性能。
阳极: positive pole; positive elec ...消耗率: specific consumption阳极消耗: anode consumption; anode dissipation电极消耗: electrode consumotion电极消耗比: consumption rate of electrodes消耗率: consumption rate; expenditure rate; specific consumption; specific rate of consumption电极消耗特性: characteristic of electrode consumption滑油消耗率: specific oil consumption机件消耗率: rate of part consumption金属消耗率: rate of metal consumption空气消耗率: specific air consumption枯竭率;消耗率: voidage rate能量消耗率: energy expenditure rate; rate of energy expenditure; ree; specific energy consumption汽油消耗率: gas consumption rate; specific gasoline consumption燃料消耗率: fuel consumption rate; fuel rate; fueling consumption rate; propellant flow rate; rate of fuel consumption; specific fuel consumption燃油消耗率: fuel consumption rate (fcr); fuel rate; specific fuel consumption; specific fuel oil consumption热能消耗率: energy expenditure rate热消耗率: heat rate相对消耗率: rcr氧消耗率: oxygen quotient; qo2油消耗率: oil rate; specific oil consumption蒸汽消耗率: water rate质量消耗率: mass loss rate资金消耗率: burn rate比燃料消耗率: specific fuel consumption