

  • gas helmet
  • 防毒:    gas defense; antitoxin
  • :    5点就得动身 have to start before ...
  • :    pocket; bag
  • 头兜:    headhelmet
  • 防毒:    gas defense; antitoxin◇防毒面具 gas mask; 防毒面具罐 gas mask canister; 防毒面罩 respirator; 防毒器材 gas protection equipment; 防毒手套 protective glove; 防毒衣 (toxcity) protective clothing; frog-suit


        防毒:    gas defense; antitoxin
        :    5点就得动身 have to start before ...
        :    pocket; bag
        头兜:    headhelmet
        防毒:    gas defense; antitoxin◇防毒面具 gas mask; 防毒面具罐 gas mask canister; 防毒面罩 respirator; 防毒器材 gas protection equipment; 防毒手套 protective glove; 防毒衣 (toxcity) protective clothing; frog-suit
        活门头兜面具:    valve helmet mask
        防毒的:    antigas
        防毒服:    gas-protection suit
        防毒气:    antigas; gas proof
        防毒墙:    mailarmor; network viruswall; paa
        防毒素:    ozoban
        防毒靴:    gas-protection boot
        防毒衣:    biochemical suit /biohazard suit; gas-proof clothing; gas-protection clothing
        防毒被垫:    protective bedding
        防毒程式:    anti virus program
        防毒程序:    anti-virus program
        防毒处理:    gas proofing
        防毒斗篷:    protective cape
        防毒服装:    protective clothing
        防毒工具:    smoke helmet
        防毒口罩:    anti-poison respirator
        防毒面具:    a gas mask; all service gas mask; all-service gas mask; breathing mask; canister re irator; canister respirator; dust respirator; face mask; gas helmet; gas-helmet; gasproof mask; protective mask; smoke helmet; smoke mask; smokehelmet; smoking helmet
        防毒面具罐:    gas mask canister
        防毒面罩:    gas mask
        防毒器材:    antigas equipment; gas protection equipment


  1. "防毒软体"英文
  2. "防毒软体比较"英文
  3. "防毒手套"英文
  4. "防毒素"英文
  5. "防毒通道"英文
  6. "防毒系统"英文
  7. "防毒性能"英文
  8. "防毒靴"英文
  9. "防毒靴,防护鞋"英文
  10. "防毒靴套"英文


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