防止: prevent; guard against; fore ...反光: reflect light; blink膜: membrane反光膜: reflect sheet防反光膜: antireflection coating; t-coating防止反流手术: anti-reflux surgery你的病虽然好了可要防止反复: you are well now but mind you don't have a relapse反光: 1.(使光线反射) reflect light; blink 白墙反光, 屋里显得很敞亮。 with the white walls reflecting the light, the room looks bright and spacious. 镜子能反光。 a mirror reflects light.2.(光的反射) reflection of light感光膜: copying layer; light-sensitive surface; photographic coating; photosensitive film; photosensory membrane; sensitive layer滤光膜: light filter无光膜: dull film荧光膜: fluorescent film遮光膜: photomask防止: prevent; guard against; forestall; avoid 防止感染 protect from infection; prevent infection; 防止浪费人力 avoid waste of manpower; 防止煤气中毒 guard against gas poisoning; 防止骄傲自满 guard against conceit and complacency; 防止错误 a safeguard against mistakes; 防止核扩散 non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; 防止青少年犯罪 the prevention of juvenile crimes; 防止疾病蔓延 prevent a disease from spreading; 教育是防止社会罪恶的最好和最终的方法。 education would be the best and final prevention against social evils. 我们必须防止这个乱子扩大。 we must prevent the trouble from spreading光膜反射: veiling reflection聚光膜技术: dbeftm-display brilliance enhancement film滤光膜技术: clear filter假终止反应: pseudotermination禁止反悔: estoppel禁止反言: estop/estoppel; estoppel静止反气旋: stationary anticyclone静止反应: arrest reaction链终止反应: cessation reaction; chain termination reaction速止反应: short stopped reaction停止反应: stopped reaction