

  • prevent hijacking
  • 防止:    prevent; guard against; fore ...
  • :    one
  • :    smooth; unimpeded
  • 劫持:    kidnap; hold under duress; h ...
  • 事件:    event; incident


        防止:    prevent; guard against; fore ...
        :    one
        :    smooth; unimpeded
        劫持:    kidnap; hold under duress; h ...
        事件:    event; incident
        空中劫持飞机事件:    aircraft piracy
        防止流血事件:    prevent bloodshed
        劫持:    kidnap; hold under duress; hijack; abduction 劫持船只 hijack a ship; 劫持飞机 hijack an airplane; air piracy; 劫持者 hijacker; abductor; skyjacker
        劫持交通工具之事件:    instance of hijacking
        防止类似事件重演:    prevent the recurrence of similar incidents
        为防止一触即发的罢工而采取的对策:    countermeasures against a threatened strike
        防止类似事件的重演:    prevent the recurrence of similar incidents
        防止:    prevent; guard against; forestall; avoid 防止感染 protect from infection; prevent infection; 防止浪费人力 avoid waste of manpower; 防止煤气中毒 guard against gas poisoning; 防止骄傲自满 guard against conceit and complacency; 防止错误 a safeguard against mistakes; 防止核扩散 non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; 防止青少年犯罪 the prevention of juvenile crimes; 防止疾病蔓延 prevent a disease from spreading; 教育是防止社会罪恶的最好和最终的方法。 education would be the best and final prevention against social evils. 我们必须防止这个乱子扩大。 we must prevent the trouble from spreading
        被劫持:    be held as a hostage
        防劫持:    hijacking prevention
        劫持, 绑架:    hijacking
        劫持1x02:    taken1x02
        劫持犯:    hijacker
        劫持险:    hijack insurance
        劫持者:    skyjacker
        胁持, 劫持:    hold under duress
        诱拐,劫持:    abduct
        而有力的支持事实:    the compelling truth
        不止一次:    more than once
        s事件:    s event


  1. "防止眩晕的"英文
  2. "防止循环"英文
  3. "防止延迟"英文
  4. "防止沿海地带不可逆转恶化"英文
  5. "防止药物中毒或蓄积中毒"英文
  6. "防止疫症蔓延"英文
  7. "防止意外"英文
  8. "防止溢漫"英文
  9. "防止翼尖失速"英文
  10. "防止饮食品掺假法"英文


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