防: provide against; defend agai ...台: tower防汛: flood control防台防汛应急方案: flood & typhoon prevention contingency防台: to guard against the typhoon防汛: flood prevention [control]: 防汛大军 an army of flood-fighters◇防汛指挥部 flood-control headquarters防洪;防汛: flood protection; floodprotection防汛堤: levee防汛林: flood control forest防汛墙: floodwall防台锚地: typhoon anchorage防台中心: typhoon emergency center近台防守: close table defence; close-table defence; close-table defense; short defence平台防护: terrace prevent远台防守: far-from-table defence站台防雨棚: platform roofing防汛大军: army of flood fighters防汛方案: scheme of flood prevention防汛机构: flood warning service防汛抗旱: flood control and drought relief防汛抢险: flood fighting防汛指挥部: flood control headquarters防汛组织: flood-proofing organization桥梁墩台防撞: collision prevention of pier and abutment塔台防护设施: tower shield facility