- read about
- 阅读: read
- 知: know; realize; be aware of
- 凭……而知: be known by
- 阅读: read 阅读小说 read a novel; 广泛阅读各种各样的书籍 read widely and miscellaneously; 有目的地阅读 read purposefully; 阅读书籍要比叙述其内容省力。 the book is more easily read than described. 她法语的阅读能力相当强, 但不会讲。 she reads french quite well, but doesn't speak it.; 阅读材料 reading material; 阅读机 reading machine; reader; 阅读技巧 reading skills; 阅读时间 reading time; 阅读速度 reading speed
- 不得而知: can make nothing of it; there is no knowledge of ...; there is no way of knowing.; unable to find out; unknown