- (he) has seen a great deal of life
- 阅历: see,hear or do for oneself
- 丰富: abundant; ample; aplenty; ri ...
- 精明强干,阅历丰富的人: nobody’s fool
- 丰富一个人的社会阅历: enrich one’s social experience
- 阅历: 1.(亲身见过;听过或做过) see, hear or do for oneself 阅历过很多事 have seen much of the world2.(由经历得来的知识) experience 阅历艰辛 have a rough time; 阅历浅 having little experience; inexperienced; 阅历颇深 have seen much of life; 扩大阅历 widen one's experience; 缺乏人生阅历的书呆子 a mere bookworm lacking human experience