Shandong flying casting forging co . , ltd 镇江市铸造阀门厂
Shanghai hugong valve factory 上海沪工阀门厂温州分公司
Shanghai valve factory and anderson greenwood crosby valve names have been recognised as leaders in their business for many years 上海阀门厂和安德森.格林伍德.克罗斯比阀门公司在其经营的阀门领域里享有盛名。
It is this resourceful and dynamic place of yuhuan that bred and grew a now fast - expanding entrprise - taizhou zhenhua valve ltd 在玉环这片生机勃勃的土壤上,矗立着一支我国阀门生产行业的生力军? ?台州振华阀门厂。
An argentine company that is dedicated to the design , manufacture and commercialization of valves , manifolds , tube fittings and accessories for industrial instrumentation -生产研制各类阀门,是上海良工阀门厂的一个生产出口阀门的分厂。