

  • intermittent periodic spring


        间歇:    intermittence; intermission; ...
        周期:    period; cycle; circle; revol ...
        间歇周期:    resting period
        数据间歇周期:    data break cycle
        周期泉:    periodic spring
        常年周期泉:    perennial period spring; perennial-periodic spring
        停歇周期:    outage period
        间歇后周期:    cycle following pause
        间歇前周期:    cycle preceding pause
        间歇的,周期性的:    intermittent
        间歇喷油周期:    heading cycle
        长周期间歇喷泉:    long-period geyser
        定期的;间歇的;周期的;期刊:    periodical
        短周期间歇喷泉:    short-period geyser
        间歇泉,周期性温泉:    geyser
        间歇泉活动周期:    period of a geyser
        定期, 循环, 间歇, 周期, 定期刊行, 期刊:    periodically
        间歇式烘炉 周期式烘干炉:    batch-typedryingoven
        间歇:    intermittence; intermission; blank; interim; dwell; batch; pause 不时有短暂的间歇 with a short intermission now and then; 在他经商生涯的间歇时间里 in the intermissions of his business; 在间歇的当儿 in the interim; 他说话间歇时总爱用“呃”“嗯”之类的话搭头。 he used such mannerism as “er” and “uh” to fill in a pause.; 间歇出料 intermittent take-off; 间歇传动 intermittent drive; 间歇反应 intermittent reaction; rhythmic reaction; 间歇反应堆 batch reactor; 间歇放电 intermittent discharge; 间歇河 [水文] intermittent stream; revier; bourn; bourne; [英格兰] naibourne; [苏丹] khor; 间歇河床 nala [印度]; 间歇湖 intermittent lake; 间歇火山 periodic volcano; 间歇喷发 intermittent eruption; 间歇喷泉 geyser; 间歇期 diapause; intermission; 间歇泉 [地] geyser; intermittent spring; 间歇燃烧 [机械工程] intermittent firing; 间歇热 intermittent fever; anetus; pyretotyposis
        部分性遮闭,周期性遮闭,间歇性遮闭:    partial occlusion
        周期:    period; cycle; circle; revolution; round; complete alternation 产业周期 industrial cycle; 经济周期 economic cycle; 商业周期 business cycle; trade cycle; 生产周期 production cycle; 再生产周期 cycle of reproduction; 缩短恢复周期 shorten the period of convalescence; 固有周期 natural period; 延长支付周期 extend a payment period; 昆虫的生活周期 the life cycle of insects; 工作周期 action cycle; 周期变化 periodic change; periodic variation; 周期表 [化学] periodic table; periodic chart; 周期律 [化学] periodic law; law of periodicity
        同步间歇性强制换气,周期性同步强制式通气:    synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
        长间歇:    long pause
        光间歇:    light break
        间断,间歇:    intermi ion; intermission


  1. "间歇正压换气,间歇正压通气"英文
  2. "间歇正压通气器"英文
  3. "间歇治疗"英文
  4. "间歇重传"英文
  5. "间歇周期"英文
  6. "间歇骤冷;间断淬火"英文
  7. "间歇注入"英文
  8. "间歇注水泥"英文
  9. "间歇装料"英文
  10. "间歇准备活动"英文


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