

发音:   用"间接采光"造句
  • indirect lighting
  • lay light


        间接:    indirect; secondhand
        采光:    lighting; daylighting
        间接采光系数:    indirect daylight factor
        采光:    1.[建筑] (透光) (natural) lighting; daylighting 这个房间有十来扇窗户, 采光甚佳。 the room was well lighted by a dozen windows.2.(采完) pick or pluck till none is left3.(照明) light selecting
        侧灯 侧光 侧光照明 侧向采光 间接说明:    sidelight
        铰接采油塔:    articulated production tower
        直接采购:    buying round; direct purchasing; direction procurement
        直接采样:    direct sample; direct sampling
        直接采样法:    direct sampling method
        采光板:    daylighting panels
        采光窗:    light-taking window; lighting window
        采光带:    daylighting band
        采光顶:    monitor; sunroof
        采光井:    airshaft; dry area; light well
        采光孔:    funnel
        采光口:    day lighting open; daylight opening; opening for lighting; outdoor opening; porthole
        采光权:    easement of light; ius luminumofficiendorum; iusluminumofficiendorum; right of ancient lights; right of light
        采光亭:    lantern
        采光罩:    light-absorpting shade
        间接:    indirect; secondhand 这消息我是间接听来的。 i heard the news indirectly. 那只是对这一问题的间接答复。 that is an indirect answer to the question.; 间接保护 indirect protection; 间接标价(法) indirect quotation; 间接宾语 [语言学] indirect object; 间接材料 [工业管理] indirect material; 间接犯罪 consequential crime; 间接肥料 indirect fertilizer; 间接费 overhead cost; indirect expense; 间接费用 overhead charges; overhead expenses; 间接负债 indirect liabilities; 间接汇兑 indirect exchange;间接汇率 indirect rate; 间接计划 indirect planning; 间接接触 indirect contact; [医学] mediate contacts; 间接经验 indirect experience; 间接控制 indirect control; off-line control; 间接贸易 round-about trade; indirect trade; 间接输出 indirect output; 间接输入 indirect input; 间接税 impersonal tax; indirect tax; indirect duty; 间接损失 indirect losses; consequential loss; 间接套汇 indirect arbitrage; 间接投资 indirect investment; 间接推理 [逻辑学] mediate inference; 间接消费 indirect consumption; 间接信号 indirect signal; concealed-lamp sign; 间接选举 indirect election; 间接选择 indirect selection; 间接引语 [语言学] indirect speech; 间接影响 remote-effects; 间接原因 remote cause; 间接作用 indirect effect
        采光窗户:    lighting window
        采光井墙:    areaway wall
        采光均匀度:    uniformity of daylighting
        采光宽度:    daylight width
        采光面积:    daylighting area


  1. "间接材料成本"英文
  2. "间接材料或办公用品"英文
  3. "间接材料价格差异"英文
  4. "间接材料用量差异"英文
  5. "间接财物"英文
  6. "间接采光系数"英文
  7. "间接彩色形成法"英文
  8. "间接参股"英文
  9. "间接参考[访问]地址"英文
  10. "间接参考地址"英文


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