问安: pay one's respects; wish sb. ...视: look at膳: meals; board问安: pay one's respects; wish sb. good health安视宝: asb视膳问寝: wait on one's parents and attend to their meals and rest飞安视窗: window; safety访问安全: access seculity杜安视差试验: duane parallax test代码访问安全: code access security(cas)淘汰访问安全: resource access security资源访问安全: resource access security访问安全性选项: access security options杜安视差试验,主观遮盖试验: subjective cover test问案: try a case; hear a case; hold court问吧: ask问;要求;邀请: ask问吧!查吧命令: quaere问;请求;要求: ask问八字: consult horoscope like the character问-德国之声: q -dw: i know sensei ellis and sensei foster travelled a great deal with sensei williams, did you get to travel and visit other dojos 问白云: ask the clouds; ask the white cloud; asking the clouds问: Ⅰ动词1.(请人解答) ask; inquire 问一个问题 ask a question; 问她的电话号码 inquire her telephone number; 不懂就问。 ask when you don't know. 你何不打电话去问一问? why don't you inquire by telephone? 我有件事要问你。 i have something to ask you.2.(询问; 慰问) question; ask about [after]; inquire about [after]: 探问 ask after; 询问新机器的效能 ask about the efficiency of the new machine; 问起病人的情况 inquire after the patient; 前些日子他问到过你。 he asked about you the other day. 他们都问你好。 they all inquired after your health.3.(审讯) examine; cross-examine; question; interrogate 盘问 cross-examine; 追问 examine minutely; 讯问战俘 interrogate a prisoner of war4.(追究) hold responsible 出了事唯你是问。 you'll be held responsible if anything goes wrong.5.(管; 干预) care; bother; manage 不闻不问 not bother to ask questions or listen to what's said; 这事你不必过问了。 you needn't bother about this.Ⅱ介词(表示动作的方向) 我问他借了几本书。 i borrowed some books from him.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 问智 wen zhi