Based on the speech produce model , we find the reason of periodicity disappearance and the extremum number increase by analysing the character of speech signal when the glottal closes 于是从语音产生模型入手,详细的分析了声门闭合时刻语音信号的性质,找到了浊音信号经过小波变换后周期性消失、极值点个数增多的原因。
闭合: close; shutting; synizesis; ...时刻: time; hour; moment闭合时间: closing time; closure time; make delay; make time; making time; operate time再闭合时间: reclosing time闭合时瓣膜音: closing valve sound闭合时间延迟: make delay触点闭合时间: time of closing contact压机闭合时间: press closing time闭合时的压力冲击: closing pressure surge; closing shock合时: timeliness时刻: 1.(时间里的某一点) time :hour:moment 幸福的时刻 a happy moment2.(每时每刻;经常) constantly; always 时刻准备保卫祖国 be ready to defend the country at any moment; 时刻表 timetable;schedule 闭合: close; shutting; synizesis; synezesis; occlusio; closure; make; occlus-; occluso-不合时: out of style合时的: be in season = uto date = updated; seasonable; timely合时尚: be in the fashion合时宜: seasonableness合时髦: in the swim磨合时间 跑合时间: seatingtime拌合时间: duration of mixing不合时代地: anachronously不合时的: demode; dyschronous; ill-timed不合时机的: inopportune不合时令: untimely; be unfit for the season 不合时令的霜冻 untimely frost不合时令的: out of season; unseasonal不合时尚: be out of the fashion