

  • flashing-light satellite


        闪光:    flash of light; flashlight; ...
        卫星:    satellite bit; particle
        激光卫星:    laser satellite; lasersatellite
        阳光卫星:    yohkoh
        激光卫星跟踪仪:    laser satellite tracking system
        激光卫星跟踪站:    laser satellite tracking station; lasersatellitetrackingstation
        激光卫星跟踪装置:    laesr satellite tracking installation; laesrsatellitetrackinginstallation; laser satellite tracking installation
        光卫:    mitsue
        阳光卫视:    sun tv
        闪光:    1.(突现的光亮) flash of light; flashlight; blinker light; schiller; spark 星星的闪光 twinkling of stars;太阳里的红色闪光scarlet flashing in the sun;多么明亮的一道闪光! what a vivid flash of lightning! 流星像一道闪光划过天空。 like a flash of lightning, the meteor shot across the sky.2.(光亮突现; 光亮忽明忽暗) glint; gleam; glisten; glitter; flame out; shimmer; flicker 闪光的东西不一定都是金子。 all is not gold that glitters. 露珠在闪光。 dewdrops are glistening.; 闪光弹 [工业] flash bomb; 闪光电弧 flash arc; 闪光电弧焊 flash welding; 闪光粉 flashlight powder; 闪光管 blinker tube; serobe; speedlight; fulgurit; spark tube; stroboscopic tube; strobotron; 闪光剂 [材料] glitter; 闪光继电管 glim relay tube
        卫星:    1.(围绕行星运行的天体) satellite; moon 木星有几个卫星 ? how many moons has the planet jupiter?2.(人造卫星) artificial satellite; man-made satellite 气象卫星 weather satellite;meteorological satellite; 通讯卫星 communications satellite; 发射卫星 launch an artificial satellite; 侦察卫星 a reconnaissance satellite; 月球探测卫星 a satellite for lunar probes; 卫星城 satellite city; satellite town; 卫星城镇 satellite; 卫星传输 satellite transmitter; 卫星导航 satellite navigation; 卫星导航地面站 satellite navigation earth station; 卫星地面站 satellite ground station; 卫星广播 satellite broadcast; 卫星广播电视 satellite broadcasting television; 卫星轨道 satellite orbit; 卫星国 satellite state; satellite country 卫星监视站 moonwatch; 卫星摄影 satellite photography; 卫星通信 satcom; satellite communication; 卫星网 satellite network
        闪光,闪光灯:    flashing light
        冰闪光:    eisblink
        长闪光:    long flash; long flashing light; long-flashing light
        定闪光:    ffi=fixed and flashing; fixed and flashing light; undulating light
        短闪光:    short flashing light; short-flashing light
        发光,闪光:    gleam
        发闪光:    flash; fulguration
        飞边,闪光:    flash
        互闪光:    alternating flashing light
        急闪光:    q=quick flashing; quick flashing light; scintillating lighting light
        抗闪光:    antiglare-antireflective-antistatic
        联闪光:    grouflashing light; group-flashing light
        亮光,闪光:    gleam
        亮闪光:    intense flash


  1. "闪光同步试验器"英文
  2. "闪光图标"英文
  3. "闪光图纹"英文
  4. "闪光图样编码"英文
  5. "闪光涂层施工法"英文
  6. "闪光温度"英文
  7. "闪光系统"英文
  8. "闪光细胞"英文
  9. "闪光显示[表示"英文
  10. "闪光现象"英文


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