门: entrance; exit; door; gate是: Semantics他: he开: open; turn on; switch on; be ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...开的: opened门是关着的: the door is shut窍门是什么: what's the; what's the trick大门是雄伟的: it is very grand of the university door / magnificent the gate is登机门是几号: what is the gate number其他开支: miscellaneous expenses他开球后: the entertainers kicked off with a folk song他开始呕吐: he began to vomit他开心极了: his joy was immense爱是他: esther还是他: shopgirl; who do you love就是他: be the man(on this night)别拿他开玩笑: don't make fun of him他开不得玩笑: he can t take a joke他开枪自杀了: the police shot the terrorist dead半开的: ajar; halboffen half-open; semi-open闭开的: clopen拆开的: unpacked常开的: no normally open; normally opened (n/o); number敞开的: exposed; open; unenclosed