门: entrance; exit; door; gate周: circumference; periphery; ci ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...肛门周: periphery of the anus肺门周区: perihilar region of lung肛门周区癣: tinea of perianal region肛门周围腺: perianal glands肛门周围炎: perianal inflammation肛门周炎: periproctitis右肺门周区: perihilar region of right lung左肺门周区: perihilar region of left lung近周的,一周的: circaseptan肺门周围浸润: perihiar infiltration肛门周围脓肿: perianal abscess半周的: semiperiod; semiweekly本周的: business story肠周的: circumintestinal; perienteric齿周的: periodontal垂周的: anticlinal单周的: monocyclic; one-cycle岛周的: peri-insular等周的: isoperimetric耳周的: periotic肝周的: perihepatic肛周的: crissal; perianal