的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...演说: deliver a speech; make an ad ...长篇的: feature length; feature-length长篇大论演说: harangue激昂的演说: rant激烈的演说: tirade精彩的演说: an effective speech冗长的演说: talkathon上尉的演说: br /70.the captain’s speech总统的演说: the president’s speech启发性的演说: inspired address丘吉尔的演说: churchill’s speech扇动性的演说: incendiary speech上尉的演说140: the captains speech此种冗长的演说: such a speech措辞激烈的演说: a hardhitting speechh措词巧妙的演说: well turned speech调子低沉的演说: low keyed speech肥皂箱上的演说家: soapbox orators慷慨激昂的演说: vehement speech夸夸其谈的演说: peroration论人的高贵的演说: oration on the dignity of man饶有风趣的演说: salt speech他们讥嘲他的演说: they sneered at his speech讨好贫民的演说: limehouse oratory