长: older; elder; senior满: full; filled; packed水芹: water fennel; cress; fool's ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...水芹: water fennel; cress; fool's watercress◇水芹菜 oenanthe stolonifera长满: nagamitsu; overgrown欧水芹: water fennel水芹菜: bengal waterdropwort herb水芹毒: enanthotoxin水芹醛: phellandral水芹属: oenanthe水芹烯: phellandrene水芹油: water fennel oil; watercre oil; watercress oil长满了: overgrow with塞满, 长满: choke up with把碗装满水: fill the bowl with water充满水的: logged; water-filled肥满水线: bluff waterlines灌满水的: water-logged浸满水的: water logging; waterlogging; waterlogged满水保护阀: antiflooding valve满水时期: replenishing period (河流)使浸满水: waterlog正常满水位: normal full pool elevation番红水芹: hemlock water-driopwort; water fennel; water hemlock