长期: over a long period of time; ...捐助: offer; contribute; donate捐助者: benefactor; contributory捐助者撤出: donor pullout捐助者的偏见: donor's bias捐助者理事会: board of donors捐助者协调股: donor coordination unit国际捐助者会议: international donors conference捐助者评估团体: donor evaluation community捐助者提供的资源: donor-source resources捐助者信息会议: donors information meeting筹资和捐助者关系处: service du financement des programmes et des relations avec les donateurs多方捐助者信托基金: multi-donor trust fund非洲教育捐助者信息系统: donors to african education information system捐助者会议的后续会议: follow-udonors meeting莫桑比克捐助者会议: mozambique donors conference向莫桑比克捐助者会议: donors conference for mozambique渔业发展捐助者磋商会议: fisheries development donor consultation与捐助者关系高级顾问: senior adviser on donor relations调动捐助者支持几内亚国际会议: international conference for the mobilization of donor support for guinea金融部门发展问题捐助者工作组: donor's working grouon financial sector development黎巴嫩问题捐助者情报会议: donor information meeting on lebanon小型企业发展捐助者指导委员会: donor steering committee on small enterprise development与捐助者关系和资源调动处: donor relations and resource mobilization service援助非洲儿童问题国际捐助者会议: international donors conference on assistance to african children