长: older; elder; senior日: and处理: deal or cope with短日处理: short day treatment日处理量: daily capacity每日处理报告: daily transaction reporting长日照处理: long-day treatment长日: the long day is over长日照: long-day家长日: parents day渐长日: lengthening days延长日: extended day长日徊光: the remains of the day长日将尽: the remains of the day长日节律: infradian rhythm长日留痕: the remains of the day长日期格式: long date fomat长日性植物: long-day plant长日照蔬菜: long day vegetable长日照植物: long day plant; long-day plant长日照作物: long-day crop长日植物: long day plant成长日记: bya-412船长日志: official log短长日植物: short-long-day plant; short-long-dayplant