

发音:   "长名"的汉语解释   用"长名"造句
  • long name
  • nagana


  1. As higher versions of jdks are available , you could start using the long names for internal conversions update the java code
    当可以得到更改版本的jdk时,可用开始为内部转换使用长名(要更新java代码) 。
  2. A great deal of effort was put into looking up the internal java settings for each locale , and a long name was paired up with a short name that had the same dst rule and time zone
  3. If there are extra classes or modules or packages declared within the same file , they implicitly have a long name including the file ' s version and author , but you needn ' t declare them again


        :    older; elder; senior
        :    time; times; days
        决定会长名称:    set the guildmaster's title
        长命:    long life; longevity
        长明商圈:    changming shopping area
        长命百岁:    many happy returns (of the day)!; life of a hundred years.; live to be a hundred; live to a ripe old age; may you live a hundred years!: 姑奶奶若依我这名字, 必然长命百岁。 if you agree to this name, madam, she's sure to live to a ripe old age
        长明灯:    altar lamp which burns day and night
        长命的:    long-period; longeval; longevous; macrobiotic
        长明:    nagaakira; truong minh
        长命的, 历时长久的:    long-lived
        长敏:    nagatoshi
        长命富贵:    a long life of abundance and respectability; longevity with wealth and honor
        长秒针齿轴:    sweep second pinion


        长名什么意思:  1.  “长名榜”之俗称。    ▶ 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记‧铨曹》: “ 高宗 龙朔 以后, 以不堪任职者众, 遂出长榜放之冬集, 俗谓之长名。”    ▶ 清 王鸣盛 《十七史商榷‧新唐书十九‧长名榜》: “语曰: ‘长名以前, 选人属侍郎;长名以后, 侍郎属选人。 ’未登长名, 恐其被放, 故属侍郎;既登长名, ...


  1. "长秒针齿轴"英文
  2. "长敏"英文
  3. "长明"英文
  4. "长明灯"英文
  5. "长明商圈"英文
  6. "长命"英文
  7. "长命百岁"英文
  8. "长命的"英文
  9. "长命的, 历时长久的"英文
  10. "长命富贵"英文


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