Die - casting die components - part 2 : round insert block 压铸模零件第2部分:圆形镶块
Die - casting die components - part 3 : rectangular insert block 压铸模零件第3部分:矩形镶块
These high quality inserts are sold to ha ' erbin dongan sanling co . and chongqing changan co . etc , and make rmb 18 million yuan a year for huafu co 该厂已经达到年生产镶块120万件的生产能力,并成功销往哈尔滨东安三菱和重庆长安公司,且性能优良。
However , we cannot produce this pm insert at home up to now . so , we do this work to help the domestic production of pm rocker arm inserts in our country and reduce their costs 本课题旨在针对国内粉未冶金耐磨摇臂镶块的研制现状,加快汽车用粉未摇臂镶块的国产化研究进程。
Using pm inserts can save energy and material . moreover , they have many special properties that are very important to lowering noise , improving lubrication status and advancing the performance of the engine 采用粉末冶金耐磨摇臂镶块,具有节能省材、性能优异等特点,对降低发动机噪声、改善机构润滑性能、提高整机的动力性能等均有着重要的意义。