Nickel - chromium alloy wires for dental use 牙科用镍铬合金丝
Ni - cr alloy thread 镍铬合金丝
This series for air conditioner is used for assistant heating in air conditioner . the heater is mainly composed by heating pipe , firm housing , temperature controlling tube , heat fuse and protecting web cover and other components . the heater is made trough advanced technology by adopting high quality stainless steel as the case , high resistor ni - cr alloy wire as the heating material and electrical melting mgo powder as the insulation medium . its electric performance index is much higher than the industry standard and the quality is leading an advanced position in the industry domestically 热熔断器及防护网罩等零部件组成。电热管采用优质不锈钢作外壳。用高电阻镍铬合金丝为发热材料,以电熔氧化镁粉作绝缘介质,经过先进的生产工艺制作而成,其电气性能指标远高于行业标准,产品品质领先于国内同行业水平。