Xing chan taianodes technology beijing co . , ltd is a new and high technology enterprise specialized in manufacturing magnesium sa - crificial anodes and extruded magneisum alloy products according to astm 兴成泰艾镁斯科技北京有限公司是以牺牲镁阳极挤压镁合金等系列产品的研究开发生产销售咨询服务为主体的高新技术企业。
Shandong yinguang chemical group co . , ltd . was established in 1979 . it is a natinal designated state - owned large type two enterprise group for manufactuing civil user explosives . the group has four undering enterprise and more than 1 , 300 employees . the total assets of the company are 150 million yuan . it is producing more than one hundred variety products in four series , mainly are : civil use explosives , drawnwork decoration products , mangnisium alloys and high - potential anodes . feixian yinguang magnesium co . , ltd 山东费县银光镁业有限公司始建于1995年,现有职工360人,其中各类专业技术人员69人,公司主要产品有各种国内国际牌号的镁和镁合金镁合金铸件镁粉镁焊丝镁基铝基锌基牺牲阳极挤压镁阳极型材管材棒材异型材以及镁带等五十多个品种。