键: key或: nǎi-.运算: operation; arithmetic; opera ...或运算: either or; exclusive disjunction; or operation或运算子: or operator索引或运算: index oring异或运算: nonequivalence operation互斥或运算子: exclusive-or operator或操作或运算: oring逻辑或运算符: logical or operator运算: [数学] operation; arithmetic; operating 四则运算 the four fundamental operations of arithmetic; 每秒钟运算一千万次 capable of 10,000,000 calculations per second; 运算器 arithmetic unit; arithmetic device; arithmetical unit; arithmetic-logic unit; logic unit; logic-arithmetic unitvomitory; vomitorum (剧场或运动场): 看台入口卸下(碉堡或运输船): u - unload装载(碉堡或运输船): l - load最低票价或运价率: lowest fare of rate打开电话界面,请按电话键或空格键: to open the phone,press the phone button or press space key小提示:右键或拖选即可在线翻译 工作语言: working languagesdna运算: dna computing闭运算: closed operation并运算: join (mathematics)补运算: complement不运算: no operation nop操作;运算: operate差运算: difference; hardsubtract; softsubtract除运算: division operation