锭;铸模;铸块: ingot条,块,锭: ingot鼎祚: cauldron a surname锭边偏: l segregate鼎晖: cdh锭边偏 析: l segregate鼎澧: Ding Li锭边偏析: l segregates鼎鼐之器: (比喻能治国安邦) the vessel of a sacrificial caldron -- be capable of being a good administrator of the state锭表面: ingot surface鼎足之势: a situation dominated by three powerful rivals; a (situation of ) tripartite confrontation; political authority or government resting on the coalition of three political parties (suggesting an unstable government) 赤壁之战决定了魏、蜀、吴三国鼎足之势。the battle of the red cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms, wei, shu and wu